Independent evaluation

Several CIRV programmes internationally have been independently evaluated as per the appendix 1 and 2.

However, there is a gap in long term and detailed evaluation which examines cause and effect of the programme. The various evaluations nationally however point to an outcome rate of approximately 40% reductions in violence when comparing 6 months pre to 6 months post intervention (NB: Northamptonshire Police who continue to run this programme still sees these outcomes even today).

The independent evaluation from Glasgow can be found under appendix 2. The Home Office via the Youth Endowment Fund is evaluating 5 sites nationally (Coventry and Wolverhampton being 2 of these) over 3 – 5 years with a significant investment of time and expertise to definitively prove the effectiveness of the CIRV approach. The exact detail of the content and methods of the evaluation criteria are at the time of writing yet to be refined and confirmed. The programme hopes however to prove long term recidivism and reductions in costs for statutory agencies amongst other outcomes.

Appendix 3 details the Youth Endowment Funds website which references several of the programmes afore mentioned including Northamptonshire.


  1. Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV): Key findings and implications for practice ( Vulnerability and Violent Crime Programme: Independent evaluation of Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) (
  2. ARTWORK (
  3. Focused deterrence - Youth Endowment Fund